
Ode to a Commenter (in blue)

Posted in birth control,cartoons,in the news by Flickrdoodle on October 26, 2005

The right to choose not to be a pharmacist

13 Responses to 'Ode to a Commenter (in blue)'

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  1. dude said,

    This is all wrong. You can still choose a career independently of your faith. You cannot exclude yourself from a career path because one small aspect of that career is at odds with some aspect of your belief. These are the challenges of faith.

  2. Hector said,

    Does this mean integrity is optional in today’s church?

  3. Jen said,


    If you can’t perform all of the duties of your job, then you should not choose that career path.

  4. Leita said,

    Dude, your site does not jive with your opinion. Does your mama know you post such adult material?

  5. dude said,

    What can I say Leita, I’m a complex dude. I like pretty girls and politically incorrect humour and attitudes. I’ve decided to keep them “out of site” to respect the sensitivities of the commenters.

  6. dude said,

    @Jen. I would argue that very few people can fully lay claim to have the ability to perform all the duties of their chosen career.

  7. Leita said,

    Dude, I didn’t mean to imply your blog was disrepectful, just a little on the ribald side. It takes more than a few juicy umm.. words to make me blush. You have your opinion; I have mine. Debate, while intriguing at times, does little to change a mind that’s already made. I’m good with that. But wouldn’t you agree it would be best for everyone if pharmacists clearly posted their intentions to not dispense certain medications? While it is not a perfect solution, it at least gives unsuspecting women prior warning before handing over that time-sensitive prescription. As Jen said in another comment, some pharmacists choose to hold those prescriptions, and by doing so, are playing God.

  8. dude said,

    I do not understand the concept of holding prescriptions. The prescription belonegs to the patient. If you give the prescription to a pharmacist in return you recieve your medication. If they refuse then they have stolen from you and are guilty of professional misconduct. I feel the issue has become confused in the comments. In this country (UK) a prescription is not necessary for post-coital contraception, it is free on request. Albeit with the caveat that the pharmacist has the appropriate training to be allowed to issue. If they have not had training they must charge the female who makes the request. I know this is difficult to understand (it’s is an issue of how the health service funds the service). I am a pharmacist and a Catholic and have more difficulty ratioanlising my refusal to females because I must chage them £25 becuase I have not had the training rather than issues of conscience or faith. My own view on the latter is that is that I do not have the right,in the matter of contraception to impose my relegious views on others. The chioce always lies with the individual.
    As for the blog, it was shit and I was a bit stoned for a few days. I just got off on being peurile. I got over it.

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  13. Alice said,

    haha nice one! :p

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